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GET-billingAccountById-Dutch and Caribbean Market

Key Considerations For Dutch Caribbean Markets

  1. For Dutch and Caribbean markets, account details will be retrieved from Amdocs System by providing accountNumber as an input.
  2. Below are the possible values for the response field "state": SF = Final (After Final Bill Generated) SN = Normal
      SR = Reactivate (Temporary status to accept payments for Final or Write Off accounts)
  3. "accountBalance[x].amount.unit" value in the response will differ with respective to the BU like "USD","ANG","EUR" and so on.
  4. Possible values for the response field "accountType" are: "BUS"(Business) and "RES"(Residential)
  5. Possible values for the response field "paymentStatus" are: "In Arrears" where overdueBalance is greater than 0 and "Active" where overdueBalance is not greater than 0.
  6. Possible values for the response field "billStructure.presentationMedia[0].name" are: NOBILL, PRINT, EMAIL and EMAILPRINT.

Expected Response-200

    "id": "5980",
    "href": "",
    "name": "UltraPremium UltraPremium",
    "state": "Active",
    "bssState": "SN",
    "relatedParty": [
            "@referredType": "Customer",
            "id": ""
    "accountType": "BUS",
    "presentationMedia": [
            "id": 1,
            "name": "PRINT"
    "contact": [
            "contactName": "UltraPremium UltraPremium ",
            "contactMedium": [
                    "mediumType": "BillingAddress",
                    "characteristic": {
                        "street1": "Les residences de Friar's Baie Numero 3",
                        "street2": "",
                        "city": "Saint Martin",
                        "stateOrProvince": 97150,
                        "postCode": ""
                    "mediumType": "Email",
                    "characteristic": {
                        "emailAddress": ""
                    "mediumType": "Telephone",
                    "characteristic": {
                        "contactType": "",
                        "phoneNumber": ""
    "accountBalance": [
            "amount": {
                "unit": "EUR",
                "value": 37.47
            "balanceType": "LastPayment Amount",
            "validFor": {
                "endDateTime": "2024-02-07T10:56:39.000Z"
            "amount": {
                "unit": "EUR",
                "value": 0
            "balanceType": "CurrentBalance"
            "amount": {
                "unit": "EUR",
                "value": 0.00
            "balanceType": "Overdue Amount"
            "amount": {
                "unit": "EUR",
                "value": 0.0
            "balanceType": "WrittenOffAmount"
            "amount": {
                "unit": "EUR",
                "value": 0
            "balanceType": "TotalOutstandingBalance"
            "amount": {
                "unit": "EUR",
                "value": 37.47
            "balanceType": "LastBillAmount",
            "validFor": {
                "endDateTime": "2017-10-01T16:00:00.000Z"
    "billStructure": {
        "presentationMedia": [
                "id": 1,
                "name": "PRINT"
    "paymentStatus": "Active",
    "sourceBSS": "C1CV",
    "legalEntity": "Dutch and Caribbean"
